Jovian’s throwback-futuristic debut album, ‘JOVIAN 2000 AD’ was inspired by 70s and 80s sci-fi films

Hailing from New York City, JOVIAN‘s new debut album, ‘JOVIAN 2000 AD’, was inspired by his fascination with 70s and 80s sci-fi films. “I thought about how that alternate future would have sounded and created this body of work with that in mind!” He explains.

The ten-track throwback-futuristic album was first introduced to music lovers around the world with the single, I’m Ready’. The breathtakingly beautiful song was written by Jovian and Kay’vion and produced by Jovian and Blood Cultures.

It was then followed by the infectious “LASER DISCS.” “Laser Discs,” was the perfect alignment as the song came to be exactly when I had decided I wanted my album to be half R&B/80s Synth and half Hip-Hop,” mentions Jovian. “Overall it’s about begging for someone to see your perspective despite them being unwilling to, or maybe incapable of doing so! Despite that, the memories that were shared are still something to hold dear,” he adds.

However, it was the eighth offering ‘Oceans’ that sealed the direction of the album: “Oceans, was the first song I happened to write for the album once I discovered the direction I wanted to take my first body of work! It’s about a plea to the moon. Being in love with something you cannot attain, no matter how much you may desire it,” Jovian shares. The song was written by Jovian and produced by YZ,

‘JOVIAN 2000 AD.’ is out now via the December Records/SRG-ILS Group label imprint. Why not check it out below…

Must Listens: Ready, Guava, Oceans, Where’d U Go, Sha’s Outro

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